Looking for Title of SF Book Published in 1960's
(too old to reply)
2006-03-10 03:00:52 UTC
I once read a Science Fiction that was first published or written
during the
1960's. But I can't remember the title or author.

The plot was set in the future. Earth and other planets were fighting
a long war with an alien empire and was slowly winning. The aliens
attack Earth and put almost everyone alseep with a gas derived from an
alien plant.. But a very few people who were exposed
To the alien plant before the war started are immune to the gas and
fight the invaders.

Does any one know the title and/or the authors name?
I do remember that this was his only book, unlike David Gemmell.

Kendall P. Bullen
2006-03-10 05:52:35 UTC
Post by s***@nospam.com
Does any one know the title and/or the authors name?
I do remember that this was his only book, unlike David Gemmell.
;-) Try rec.arts.sf.written, that's the best newsgroup to ask stuff
like this. They even have an acronym for this type of post -- YASID,
"Yet Another Story ID"....

Kendall P. Bullen http://www.his.com/~kendall/

Never e-mail me copies of Usenet postings, please.
I do read the groups to which I post!